Audio typing & transcriptions

Accurate transcripts that reach you faster.

You dictate and delegate. We document

We leverage our time advantage, so you get your transcripts ahead of time.

A real advantage of our comprehensive range of typing and transcription services and audio typing is that it will be accurate and precise as you should expect, but better than that – will be with you quicker than any service in the UK.  You will benefit from the time difference in the services we offer as we start our day 4 hours before you get to the office, meaning your work will be there waiting for you.

We work for lawyers, doctors and other professionals – so we know we have to be 100% accurate. Whether utilising our automated tools or the proficiency of our skilled professionals, we ensure a seamless and efficient process that caters to the diverse needs of our clients in maintaining accurate and accessible emails, file notes, call transcripts letters, forms and records.

More services

Post Completion including SDLT, Registration, Closing

We handle all post-completion tasks, including Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT), property registration, and closing procedures, ensuring a seamless client experience.

Billing & Financial Management

We assist with billing and prepare pre-completion financial statements, ensuring accurate client funds through transaction reconciliation. Our services promote a seamless completion process, and we... read more

Balances & archiving

Our team ensures financial balances are meticulously managed, and essential documents are securely archived for your future reference and regulatory compliance requirements.

Title Checking

Ensure peace of mind with all-inclusive Title Check services. OSOI’s experienced team provides a comprehensive Title Report, advising on the property’s rights, covenants, and benefits.... read more

Administrative & secretarial services

Our dedicated administrative and secretarial support team ensures your legal operations run smoothly. From appointment scheduling to document ingestion and preparation, we can handle it... read more

Back office ledger & financial

Our back office ledger and financial services keep your financial matters in order. We handle ledger management, financial reporting, and related tasks, allowing you to... read more

We help you do more for less

Contact OSOI today to discuss your needs and receive your free insight.

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